
It is an agronomic practice that consists of manually joining two related plants, by using the roots of one (rootstock) and the aerial part of another (SCION).

In this way it is possible to exploit the strength and resistance of a rustic plant combined with the productivity and flavour of a traditional plant.





A good grafting allows

A good grafting allows

Greater resistance to diseases

Greater production

Recovery of the flavours of the past

Longer vegetation of the plant





















The golden rules


Abound with irrigations

The grafts have a much more developed root structure than free plants


Pay attention to transplanting

The grafting point must remain above the ground, to prevent the scion emitting adventitious roots


Increase a little fertilization

The vigor of the plants should be supported


Collect often

Lightening the plant helps to increase production





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Innesti Leopardi

Società Agricola

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